Nicole Moudaber and Skin take-on Music is Revolution

Music is Revolution brings in the creative force of Nicole Moudaber and Skin ahead of the release of their progressive EP.

She’s already held the ground behind the machine at Carl Cox’s Music is Revolution residency at Space but tomorrow, Nicole Moudaber returns with a very special guest ahead of an equally special new release. Her partner in celestial crime comes in the boundary pushing form of Skin – otherwise known as the multi-talented Skunk Anansie front-woman who has collaborated with Moudaber in the production of a brand new EP.

The five track EP titled ‘Breed’, which has already been given a glowing green light from the likes of VICE’s electronic music channel THUMP, is due for a dropping on the 18th of September but before then, it’s time for the two legendary artists to celebrate. And Space seems like a perfectly appropriate destination station to give you a heavy taste of the kind of sonic specimen this strain of cutting edge pairing can produce. The date also comes little under a week before the double single release of You Like This and Someone Like You from the EP which is spearheading a new brand of innovative, pioneering techno.

Have we triggered your curiosity? Need a further push to steer you to the door? Have a listen to the piercing power of You Like This and see Nicole and Skin’s vision for the future of techno.

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