Galleon La Pepa- open to the public.

"La Pepa" built between 2008 & 2010 is a faithful replica of the 17th century galleon which regularly sailed from Spain to the Americas. To celebrate the bicentenary of the 1812 Constitution the ship is touring Spanish ports & is on display daily (except Mondays) in Ibiza harbour for 2 weeks. Tuesday to Friday : 5pm to 8pm, Saturdays & Sundays : 11am to 8pm.

mar 1 maggio 2012
mer 2 maggio 2012
gio 3 maggio 2012
ven 4 maggio 2012
sab 5 maggio 2012
dom 6 maggio 2012
lun 7 maggio 2012
mar 8 maggio 2012
mer 9 maggio 2012
gio 10 maggio 2012
ven 11 maggio 2012
sab 12 maggio 2012
dom 13 maggio 2012
lun 14 maggio 2012
mar 15 maggio 2012

Dove: Ibiza Town (Eivissa)

"La Pepa" built between 2008 & 2010 is a faithful replica of the 17th century galleon which regularly sailed from Spain to the Americas. To celebrate the bicentenary of the 1812 Constitution the ship is touring Spanish ports & is on display daily (except Mondays) in Ibiza harbour for 2 weeks. Tuesday to Friday : 5pm to 8pm, Saturdays & Sundays : 11am to 8pm.

Ibiza Town (Eivissa)