Drinks package deal at Hï Ibiza

Save every night of the week with this helpful offer.

Go for the full experience at Hï Ibiza and save money at the same time. Whilst Ibiza may not always be the cheapest of holiday destinations, we have seen a welcome approach by businesses to cater to both ends of the spectrum. Here's what Hï Ibiza is doing.

With the Playa d'en Bossa giant offering this drink package, you can pre-order five drinks for €75.

With long drinks ranging between €18-€20, you can save up to €25 off the standard price, depending on your choice beverage. Even if you're unlikely to drink that many, here is a great option if attending as a group.

Seeing as we're always keen to share money-saving tips to our readers, we think this deal represents good value. Every little helps, right?

Available to purchase in advance on every night the venue trades, the option to buy displays on our website when you add a ticket from any of Hï Ibiza's events to your basket.

Already have tickets purchased? No problem. You can still buy the drinks package separately by following the above instruction. Just ensure you select the correct number of admissions and drinks packages before proceeding to check-out.

Once purchased, you will collect your drinks tokens at the club's entrance upon arrival.

Since the emergence of Ibiza as a holiday destination, it has always catered to those from all socio-economic backgrounds. That's why it's important Hï Ibiza continues to offer this bulk saver package.

It goes a little way to helping those with less extravagant budgets and including every generation.

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