Climb aboard Noah's Ark in Ibiza this summer

Party in the presence of biblical legends every Saturday before heading to the Zoo Project.

Word up wildlife lovers, we may not be able to save you from the apocalypse but The Zoo Project’s Noah’s Ark has just released its boat party dates for 2017, so we can at least give you a good time before the world ends. Praise be to baby Jesus.

So, what’s the deal, we hear you cry in Morgan Freeman style biblical tones? Well, take a seat fellow disciples and we’ll fill you in. Noah’s Ark is the official pre-party for the Zoo Project, so you board the boat (two by two, obvs), you’re taken on a trip atop the Med, round the magical islet of Es Vedrà - one of Ibiza’s most famous sights, all while being entertained in true Zoo fashion by bendy-legged zebras and pirhouetting penguins (humans dressed as said animals, just so you’re not disappointed). And of course, an underground selection of tunes provided by Zoo regulars.

This summer, the Ark will set sail every Saturday from 17 June to 23 September, and tickets will include a free fun bus ride to Benimussa Park, entry to Zoo Project itself so you can continue the having all the fun, as well as snacks and two drinks aboard the boat, because everyone gets hungry, even in the face of a really big flood.

So, now’s the time to bag your earlybird tickets for a snip at 55 EUR, and remember to pick your partner wisely, because no one wants to sail towards the sunset with a dud for the rest of eternity.*


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