New creative women's festival in Ibiza

Healing and growth workshops.

Tanit Dreams, a creative festival for women launches this June in a four day gathering to celebrate life's “pureness and wildness” in a magical and energetic Ibiza setting: the forests around San Rafael.

This event, taking place between 2-5 June 2016, is designed to open up an outlet to the creative self, promote healing and celebrate life in an open space. It's an event that encourages women to express their sensitivity and authenticity.

The organisers, island residents with various holistic backgrounds, have put on a varied set of workshops such as one on foods that heal, shamanic song and dance and a workshop that helps to locate the “inner child” and develop a path to personal growth.

Describing the idea of the festival, the message from the organisers is clear "This festival is an opportunity to strengthen our love for nature, art, self-knowledge and our existence as a poetic inspiration. A different holiday, in which we nourish and to enkindle ourselves as muses to the world."

Ibiza is home to many holistic pursuits such as healing, yoga, meditation with many dedicated retreats and spiritual festivals. This event, in its very first incarnation joins the growing trend for Ibiza as a centre for alternative health and spiritual practise.

You can sign up right now by going to the festival's website, where you will find more information about the project, the teachers, the workshops and classes. Here's to your new, revived self!

WORDS: Julian Heathcote

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