Review: Parasailing with Take Off Ibiza

A bird’s eye view of San Antonio from 400 metres high.


A group of nine adventurous spirits including myself enjoyed the beautiful view of San Antonio’s coast from the sky. Leaving our belongings on dry land we donned our life jackets and, after having listened to the captain’s rules, the crew from Take Off Ibiza welcomed us on board. The boat was located in San Antonio Port (really close to the Egg) and once aboard we relaxed to music, enjoyed a drink and looked forward to the parasailing outing to come.

We bade farewell to the port for an hour and a half in total. The day started cloudy, but as we were crossing the sea the sun gradually appeared, so while we found the perfect place to start the water sport, we simply watched the natural charm around us and took in Ibiza’s beautiful coastline.

The routine on this trip is easy: in pairs (or even as a group of five - in the case of going with kids) both people fly through the air and the rest of the group chill on the boat, listening to music and enjoying a drink. Everything is recorded; the Take Off crew take pictures and you are given a GoPro to make a video during your experience to show your stunned face to your friends later, though prints cost extra. Luckily for me, Peter, one of our Spotlight photographers, was with me all day and prepared to catch every necessary moment.

My partner and I were the last ones to do the activity. With Jay Z’s Forever Young remix playing in the background, we glided away from the boat. It must be said, I felt quite nervous; from the bottom it looked really high! But once we were flying, with the fresh Balearic wind in my face and the amazing views, it felt like heaven. To look down and see your tiny feet over the massive blue ocean totally makes an impression and a memory for life. After a couple of refreshing dips in the water (totally on purpose) while we were trying to land on the boat, our adventure came to an end and we returned to the port with a smile on our faces and a checkmark in our bucket list: Parasailing ✓

The boats sail every day from 10:00 until 23:00 from San Antonio port, so join them with your friends or family and enjoy the sky with parasailing.

Take Off Ibiza offers a variety of other activities to do on your holiday, click here for more information.

WORDS | Natalia Gutierrez PHOTOGRAPHY | Peter Young

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