Lo Cura Lounge & Pool Opening at Boutique Hostal Salinas

Early season pool party... yes please!.

The lovely little finca situated within the Ses Salinas nature reserve, Boutique Hostal Salinas, has a nice little surprise for Ibiza on Wednesday 1st May. Business has been busy in Spring since the Hostal’s opening party, and it’s about to get a lot busier. To herald the imminent arrival of summer on the island, Boutique Hostal Salinas will unveil the latest addition to their ample headquarters – a swimming pool! If you’ve spent any amount of time in Ibiza during the heat of summer you will know that a new pool is ALWAYS welcome, especially in as lovely a setting as this. The reveal of the new pool comes in conjunction with the opening of Lo Cura Lounge, an addition to Boutique Hostal Salinas made last year, providing a comfortable bar and lounge area for guests and visitors. Hostal Salinas provided a perfect location for last year’s Spotlight Album Launch party, so we can’t wait to head down to Ibiza’s southern most reaches for a few more champagne toasts!

The Ibiza Sonica Radio team will be in attendance at the event, broadcasting the aquatic antics on 95.2fm locally, or globally via their website www.ibizasonica.com.

The pool party kicks off at 2pm and splashes on until midnight.

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