Ibiza Style - One Billion Rising

Violence against women remains rife across the World but this Saint Valentine's Day, women globally and here on Ibiza gathered to say "Stop!".

Many women across the World look forward to Saint Valentine’s Day in the hopes of being shown some appreciation. Perhaps some chocolates, maybe roses. Some even dream of a marriage proposal. Some women just hope it’s the day that they don’t experience violence.

This year, Saint Valentine's Day came to symbolise something else to many. Across the globe, women gathered in towns and cities to show solidarity in ending violence against women. The global gathering was called “One Billion Rising”

One Billion Rising Ibiza Violence Against Women

One Billion Rising - Ibiza calls for Violence Against Women to STOP.

Ibiza, a tiny island with an even smaller population, especially in the winter, wasn’t about to ignore the international call for women to come together.

In the towns of Santa Eulalia and San Antonio the women gathered. It is thought that in America, a ‘civilised’ country, one woman is beaten by her partner every 15 seconds. That’s two women hurt in the time it would take the majority of people to read to this point. So the women travelled from their fincas across Ibiza, dressed in pink and ready to say ‘enough’ under the banner of One Billion Rising.

In Ibiza, a public gathering of this type traditionally requires a permit and sure enough the Police arrived. However they watched from a respectful distance. Local Spanish women joined in and even an elderly gentleman walked up to ask what was happening, as women in glorious pink smiled and chatted, hugging each other warmly.

Then the dancing started – a dance for the women of the World who experienced violence in their lives. The contrast was stark. Happy, smiling, energised women, safe and positive, giving of their time, commitment and energy to those not so fortunate.

Afterwards the police approached and asked what the occasion was, admitting that because of the carnival atmosphere they hadn’t felt the need to intrude. To end violence against women globally, they were told.  They departed, some taking heart shaped balloons with them, for their children.

One Billion Rising - Violence Against Women Protests Globally

It’s thought that groups gathered under the banner of “One Billion Rising” in over  177 countries. Some women’s gatherings, like those in Afghanistan, required armed police protection. Celebrities and housewives united worldwide. Violence against women has never been acceptable to many of us and the time had come to stand up and be counted.

Women of Ibiza, we thank you for your contribution to this cause.

Lead Photograph: Toni Guasch, Ibiza.
2nd Photograph: Tasmin Parmakis.
Our thanks to Rachel Caine for her assistance.