Christmas in Ibiza: San Jose 2012

Spotlight's resident rock'n'roller Rex Barker has the rub on all the live events over the festive period in San Jose.

They really will be rocking around the Christmas Tree in San Jose this month as the best Christmas Programme on the island takes place around the borough. The action's in tents as marquees have been erected in the towns to hold the events, which are all accompanied by food and drink at very reasonable prices.

christmas in san jose, ibiza

The San Jose village tent had its Christmas warm up party last Saturday when Peter Colours and Uncle Sal provided a rousing finale to the Beer'n'Roll festival that had the crowds flocking to the bars of the village over the last few weekends.

The rock and music for all theme continues throughout Christmas and New Year and the bands and venues are, in no particular order;

21/12, 22.00, San Jose – Sobrassada Rock with Methead and Pota Lait
22/12, 21.30, San Jorge – Statuas de Sal and Indulgentes
27/12, 22.00, San Agustin – Guateque Fiesta with 60's music
28/12, 22.00, San Jose – Moguda Josepina with Ivan Domenech
29/12, 21.00, San Jose – Can Raia Rock Band (photo)
29/12, 22.00, San Jorge – Hits Session dance music with DJ Fernando Arte
01/01, 00.30, San Jose – NYE with La Banda del Coche Rojo

can raia rock band

Youngsters will be most looking forward to the visit of the Three Kings from the east, who arrive with pomp, circumstance, and armfuls of prezzies, which are dished out to the kids who have been good all year in the marquees. The cavalcades are as follows: San Jose, 05/01, 19.30; San Jorge, 05/01, 20.00; San Agustin, 05/01, 20.00.

three kings in san jose church

Don't be late!

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