Fly Red Bull Ibiza: Update

The 35 teams who will compete in the Red Bull Flying Day in the port of Ibiza.

The 35 teams who will compete in the Red Bull Flying Day in the port of Ibiza on 8th September have now been selected. The hundreds of applicants to take part in the competition were whittled down to a round 100 and the final 35 were then chosen by a public vote and a panel of experts.

plan for red bull flying day ibiza

Fittingly, 11 of the 35 are local boys and there's an Ibicenco theme going on with the design and names of the flying machines; A tomar por sapo, (photo above) Circo Loro, Cookies Air Lines, Disco Tractor, Ibiza Air Low Cost, Los Barones Rojos, Los Power Flowers, Lowcositos, P-Unic, Red Bird and Wing Surfers Ibiza.

plan for red bull flying day, ibiza spetember 8

As you probably know, the aim of the 'flying' day is to launch the unlikeliest of craft into thin air from a ramp and see how far they travel before hitting aqua firma. Looking at some of the plans for the aircraft there's going to be a lot more splashing than flying, though I must admit, Ibiza Low Cost's plan (photo above) looks like it may just beat the 70 metre flight record!

Will we see you there?

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