Christmas in Ibiza Town

With just a few days to go until December, the Ibiza town council.

With just a few days to go until December, the Ibiza town council have published their programme of festivities planned for this Christmas. The budget this year has been cut by 40% to save around €50,000 on last year's costs, but much of this comes from energy efficiency measures on the Christmas illuminations around the town which will be officially switched on at 18.00 on December 2nd.

The usual favourites like the nativity scene in the Church of Sant Elm and the Christmas and crafts market and art supermarket will be on in the Vara de Rey, where many of the planned activities will take place in a specially erected marquee.

Here's what's happening
13 – 15 Dec, 17.00, Can Ventosa Cultural Centre – Christmas Carol Concerts
18 Dec, 19.00, Can Ventosa Cultural Centre – Christmas Classical Concert
26 Dec, 18.00, Vara de Rey – Folk Dancing and Christmas sauce competition
30 Dec, 21.00, Vara de Rey – Rock Concert with Tales of Gloom plus breakdancing
31 Dec, 16.30 – footrace to the cathedral followed by chocolate in the Vara de Rey
31 Dec, 00.30, Vara de Rey – NYE party with the Paradis Orchestra
05 Jan, 18.30 – arrival of the three kings, procession from the port to the Vara de Rey around the main streets.
05 Jan, 23.00, Vara de Rey -La Movida I Love the 80's party
08 Jan, 19.00 - Can Ventosa Cultural Centre – New Year Classical Concert

The council have also thought about those people lucky enough to have kids at this special family time of the year by providing a place where parents can dump their loved ones, fully occupied and out of harm's way all day. It's Diverspai at the Recinto Ferial from 26th December to 4th January where kids can play to their heart's content all day, with the only downside being that they have to go home at 21.00!

Merry Christmas everybody!

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