Ibiza Earth Festival 2010

When Ibiza town celebrates its Patron Saint's day in August it comes wrapped in a package.

When Ibiza town celebrates its Patron Saint's day on August 8th, it comes wrapped in a package of other activities and celebrations known as the Earth Festival or Fiesta de la Tierra. There are concerts, music, exhibitions and parades, oh and fireworks too, so without further ado, here's what's on.

01/08, 18.00, Vara de Rey – artisan exhibition, cart parade and folk dancing.
01/08, 21.30, Sant Pere Battlements – The Blues Mafia Big Band
04/08, 21.00, Reina Sofia Park – Concert with music from the films
05/08, 22.15, Reina Sofia Park – Concert with Pasión Vega (photo)

pasion vega sitting on a beach

06/08, 22.00, Reina Sofia Park – concert with the Ibiza Symphony Orchestra and Projecte Mut.
07/08, 20.30, Town Hall Cloister – Ibiza City Choir
07/08, 22.00, Reina Sofia Park – Concert by Amics de les Arts and Pota Lait
08/08, 24.00, Botafoch Dyke – Fireworks, visible from all around Ibiza town
15/08, 24.00, Figueretes – Fireworks
20/08, 22.00, Reina Sofia Park – Hip Hop concert with La Exceptión

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