Fridays at DC10 - Let Pandemonium Commence!

Back with a bang last week was the start of Pandemonium, DC10 2nd best known night, hosted by Tania Vulcano.

The long running Circo Loco spin off is back up and running for another season of inside sessions at DC10. The practically perfect in every way, Tania Vulcano, is chief party maker and will be aptly supported over the coming months by guests such as Alex Celler, DJ Sneak, Dyed Soundorom, DJ Vibe, Art Department, Willy Graff, D'Julz, Tato, Mihai Popoviciu and Garagem, amongst others.

The party starts at midnight every Friday and continues until September 24th's closing. Best part is that tickets start from 20€ and that includes a free drink.

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