Billion Dollar Bump in Ibiza

Ibiza's Botafoc Dyke was the scene of an incredible collision involving a cruise ship

Ibiza's Botafoc Dyke was the scene of an incredible collision involving a cruise ship and two luxury yachts. The accident happened at 8 O'clock on Tuesday morning as the New Flamenco cruise ship was backing into a berth at the dyke. As it tried to engage forward thrust the system failed and it continued hard astern, despite the anchors being dropped, straight into the back of the Lady Moura!

For those of you who don't know, the Lady Moura is the world's most luxurious yacht, which cost a cool $180 million to build and is now owned by Lebanese ex waitress and super shopper Mouna Ayoub. Miss Ayoub received the boat as part of a reputed $500 million divorce settlement from a Saudi oil squillionaire.

But it gets worse, because not only did the New Flamenco prang the Lady Moura and send its gang plank flying into the sea, it also hit another boat parked close by, the Mata Mua which was also damaged. The Mata Mua just happens to be owned by Baroness Thyssen, another rather rich lady, for whom nothing seems to be going right in Ibiza. Last month thieves broke into her villa in the luxury Ibiza Hills estate and made off with hundreds of thousands of Euros in cash from a safe. This time the Baroness was only robbed of her beauty sleep thanks to the rude awakening from the cruise ship.

At the time of writing accident investigators are making a full assessment of the damaged caused to all the boats.