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Circulation Problems

Ever since the direction of traffic flow was changed in the Marina area of Ibiza town a few weeks ago chaos has ensued.

Ever since the direction of traffic flow was changed in the Marina area of Ibiza town a few weeks ago chaos has ensued.

Apart from the normal teething problems to be expected when a whole traffic system is changed right in the middle of the busy tourist season, the situation has been exacerbated by the non functioning of the traffic lights which control the junction of the Vara de Rey and the Marina!

Add to this a certain amount of 'inflexibility' or refusal to give way by the average Spanish motorist (Motto - do unto others what they would do unto you, and do it first), and the presence of a 'few' tourists who don't know where they're going, and the result is horn honking hell. Relief will be at hand when a new software program to control the lights arrives from Palma and normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.

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