Royal Pages in Santa Eulalia

Magic & Royal Pages in Santa Eulalia.

gio 3 gen, 2019, da 12:00
Dove: Santa Eulalia, Ibiza

Royal Pages of the Three Kings visit the town to collect all your letters and hand deliver them and much more.

12:00 - Magic show in the Teatro España "1,2,3 Magia!" with Alexis
17:00 - Royal Page in San Carlos. Games and workshops
18:00 - Workshop: Letter to the Three Kings. Cultural Centre of Jesús
19:00 - Royal Page arrival in Jesús BBQ & chocolate. Salón Parroquial

The Christmas programme also includes much smaller events going on in other villages – Santa Gertrudis, San Carlos, Puig den Valls and Jesus – in the borough of Santa Eulalia, and details can be found on a downloadable PDF File on the town hall website.